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Mounting K1200LT

            Model K12O for your BMW K1200LT

            Model PCO for your Honda PC 800

          1.      Remove the black plastic cover which fits over your crash (tip over) bar.  Don’t
    mix parts right & left.

          2.      Place the threaded part of the clamp on the top of the tip over bar…  Not to be 
    mounted as shipped.
   Model K12O:  on the front curve of the tip over bar.

          Model PCO:  across the front with the remainder across the center support bar.

    3.      Attach the bracket:

          Model K12O:  Insert the three bolts up from the bottom, through the large bracket, 
    bottom of the clamp and screw them into the top of the clamp.

          Model PCO:  Insert the two bolts up from the bottom through the bracket and 
    screw into the top clamp.

    4.      As you tighten the bolts…

           Model K12O:  wiggle the bracket as far forward and in as it will go.  Try to tighten 
    the bolts evenly – a little at a time – until     
    tight.Because of its design, the brackets should not easily rotate on your tip over bar.
     Model PCO:  Start with a position that allows you to pass the 3/16” Allen Wrench 
    between the back edge of the bracket and the lower part of the fairing.

    5.      OPTIONAL - You may want to try the Mick-O-Pegs before cutting your plastic.   
    When ready to cut…

          Model K12O:  Using our template, cut a triangle shaped notch from the bottom and
reinstall the cover.

          Model PCO:  The farther forward (and in) that you mount your Mick-O-Pegs, the 
    smaller the ‘cut’ will need to be.  Measure the distance along, and out from, the 
    exposed edge of the fairing to estimate where to make your cut.

    6.      You are halfway home to comfort!  Repeat procedures 1-5 on the other side.

    7.      When installed, you may need to slightly bend the “legs” so both pegs are in the 
    same position when up.


WARNINGS.  As with most motorcycle accessories, misuse can be dangerous.

    1.      Mick-O-Pegs are not intended for use while following another vehicle closely or 
          while leaning in curves.

   2.       Since the spring lifts the “peg”, an aggressive tread on the riders boot may catch 
          on the peg and increase reaction time.  Test your Mick-O-Pegs many times before
using them on the road.  Before you ride, find the quickest method of returning your 
          feet to your controls and get in the habit of using that method.

    3.      It is possible to get your pant leg caught on the Mick-O-Peg when in the up 
          position.  To reduce that likelihood, consider wearing a  hig  top boot and/or pants 
          with tighter cuffs.

    4.      Mick-O-Pegs are habit forming.  You may no longer be satisfied with any other 
          highway peg/board position.


          RIW, Inc.           www.ridingiswonderful.com                   586-749-6425